Consultancy Services

What can it do for me?

Consulting enables the business potential of Decision Analytics and sits at the heart of every proposition created for clients. As well as building experience and expertise into Decision Analytics products and services, Experian also supports clients through the strategy design and implementation process, and beyond as their business develops.

How can we help you?

Consultants from Experian’s Decision Analytics division works with clients at every stage of the project, firstly to understand each client’s business, then helping to design and implement systems that deliver objectives.

Decision Analytics consulting has the overriding aim to prove and deliver quantifiable benefits to every business. It is practical, and results driven, with systems and processes that are realistic to implement and maximise the benefits returned.

Experian has worked with clients in different industries around the world and has used this experience to create Decision Analytics specifically designed to address key business challenges.

Drawing on a unique understanding of business drivers, the complete propositions incorporate proven, leading practice to ensure clients can focus on what really adds value to their business. This ensures organisations can rapidly realise the benefits from Decision Analytics and maximise the return on investment.

A Few Key Facts

  • Following implementation, the consultants stay close to every organisation through a regular review programme to evolve and enhance strategies as needs change and the business grows.
  • Most importantly, regular monitoring evaluates the benefits achieved, creating an environment for future improvements and increasing returns.
  • Experian believes that the Decision Analytics delivery is only the beginning of the relationship and builds a partnership to continue to support and enhance the solution through a regular programme of consulting and development.

Our approach

Consultants work with clients at every stage of the project, firstly to understand each client’s business, then helping to design and implement systems that deliver objectives.

Key Benefits

  • Awareness of performance with benchmarks against industry and best practice
  • Identification of opportunities and challenges throughout the organisation
  • Fully analysed initiatives to lead to achievement of the organisation’s objectives
  • Prioritised initiatives including quick wins for rapid improvements
  • Fresh approach and innovative thinking with an independent review of operations

Service features

Experian consulting has the overriding aim to prove and deliver quantifiable benefits to every business. It is practical and results driven, with proposals that are realistic to implement and maximise the benefits returned.

Built-in intelligence

Experian has worked with clients in different industries around the world and has used this experience to create Decision Analytics propositions specifically designed to address key business challenges.  Drawing on a unique understanding of business drivers, the complete propositions incorporate proven, leading practice to ensure clients can focus on what really adds value to their business. This ensures organisations can rapidly realise the benefits from Decision Analytics and maximise the return on investment.

Project consulting

Decision Analytics consultants work with clients at every stage of the project, firstly to review the current situation by spending time in the business to fully understand organisational aims, goals, challenges and constraints. Then, together, the key strategic initiatives required by the business are identified, clarified and prioritised to ensure objectives are met and profits maximised.

Consultants assist in the definition of the business case and project scope, including analysis of the potential business benefits.

Establishing the scope of the project ensures that the maximum benefits are realised by identifying all the critical success factors.

Strategy consulting and review

Experian believes that the delivery is only the beginning of the relationship, and builds a partnership to continue to support and enhance the solution through a regular programme of consulting and development. The pressures of day-to-day management can interrupt a structured review plan; therefore a key part of the Decision Analytics proposition is a regular consulting programme of Strategy Reviews.

The aim is to create a culture of continuous improvement in each organisation and to make sure organisations realise the often significant benefits that can be achieved from regular reviews.

Whatever the client’s situation is, Strategy Reviews progress organisations through the evolution of strategy design, from experience based strategies, through to data driven strategy design and optimisation. The Strategy Review programme creates a working partnership to regularly design, review and implement customer decisioning strategies.

Technical Details

  • Analysis of overall marketing strategy and profile, its impact upon market share, ranking and quality, based on several key performance measures
  • Origination strategy, in terms of the overall impact of a new scorecard implementation, application score cut off changes and the effectiveness of activation strategy
  • Initial balance build and/or utilisation and sustainability
  • Cross-sell and up-sell strategy, going on to identify candidate portfolio segments for the future
  • Effectiveness of retention strategies and development of further initiatives to mitigate attrition and early settlement
  • Effectiveness of limit management strategy for credit cards
  • Loan term analysis and proportion repaid for personal loans
  • Delinquency and default trends, balance at risk of default and debt per £ of exposure analysis, effectiveness of collections strategy
  • Forecasting changes in delinquency and write-off and their likely impact upon debt provisioning

Consulting is an on-going investment to ensure a client’s customer decisions continue to add value to their business. Experian has provided Decision Analytics consulting services for hundreds of organisations, both in the design and implementation of Decision Analytics systems and in the review and improvement of existing systems and strategies.

The consultants apply an independent, rigorous, analysis driven review of an organisation’s situation at every level of the business, to develop practical recommendations and drive them through to implementation. By working closely in partnership with clients, Decision Analytics consultants are able to continually evolve the leading practice to meet the needs of an ever-changing business environment. The company is committed to innovation and is constantly challenging and refining practices and processes to move clients from ‘best practice’ to ‘next practice’, sharing knowledge and innovation through the publication of white papers and articles.

Find out how we can help your business thrive

The Business Review

The key questions being answered can include:

  • What are the options for the tactical implementation of changes to both new and existing systems and processes?
  • What are the longer-term options for and what is the business case to support this investment?
  • Where is the organisation benchmarked against leading practice including in areas such as automation of decision-making?

Market and portfolio insight

As an organisation’s business strategies evolve it is imperative to understand the impact these changes are having on the customer base. Detailed in-house monitoring of portfolios is invaluable, but are the results reflective of a change in strategy or macroeconomic factors and overall market trends?

This service takes the form of a quarterly consultancy review consisting of three elements:

  • Benchmarking
  • Forecasting
  • Credit Strategy Setting

Benchmarking looks at your portfolios positions in comparison to their peers in the rest of the UK market. Key issues are identified and explored, interpreting the drivers behind trends and highlighting potential impacts. It first sets the macro-economic backdrop to the analysis, studying UK and credit industry economic trends, focusing on credit appetite, delinquency levels, personal bankruptcy and debt servicing ratios.

Forecasting determines the likely future position of both your portfolios and the general markets trends. By drilling down into consumer segments, Experian Decision Analytics’ models and expertise are used to build profiles forecasting risk concentrations and segments vulnerable to indebtedness. This gives an insight into how current strategies may affect your business in terms of:

  • Future levels of delinquency extrapolated from vintage analysis
  • Forecast write-off and bad debt levels, using roll-rate and cure rate analysis

Credit Strategy Setting takes the benchmark reports and forecast performance and compares each of your portfolios against the rest of the market, identifying variations from industry norms and influencing factors. By overlaying forecasts to predict the impact of past strategies our consultants work in partnership with you to uncover opportunities for changes in performance and develop the optimal actions and strategies on-going to meet your business objectives.