Experian Data Insights Check-In – CDIx report for Q2 2024
Sep 2024 | Data Insights |

The Experian Data Insights Check-In brings you key insights based on the Q2 2024 Consumer Default Index.


Experian’s CDIx

The Experian Consumer Default Index (CDI), was designed to measure the rolling default behaviour of South African consumers with Home Loan, Vehicle Loan, Personal Loan, Credit Card and Retail Loan accounts.

The CDIx provides a quarterly overview of the credit landscape in South Africa, combining the widely used CDI with views on the latest credit industry trends as well as commentary on the context within which these trends are observed.

Specifically, it provides views on the latest:

  • Macroeconomic Market Context that has a direct bearing on consumers
  • Market appetite for credit
  • Qualification and take-up of credit (i.e. new business)
  • Performance of credit consumers (i.e. arrears/defaults and vintages, CDI and Debt Review)


Get the summary Q2 2024 CDI Report for an overview of the latest consumer default trends.


Get the summary Q2 2024 CDI Report for an overview of the latest consumer default trends.

Get the summary Q2 2024 CDI Report for an overview of the latest consumer default trends.

Download the summary CDIx report

*Note the full CDIx is now a paid product. Contact us for more information.
Read more here.


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Get the summary Q2 2024 CDI Report for an overview of the latest consumer default trends.

Get the summary Q2 2024 CDI Report for an overview of the latest consumer default trends.

Download the summary CDIx report


Watch the Video

Watch our video in which Ans takes you through the various graphs that bring these data insights to life.